Now to take a turn for the spiritual: I feel like I have always had a pretty great testimony about the connection between spirit and body, but it has grown so much! There is no way that there is no God. The most perfect city in the world with the best urban planning, sewage systems, recycling, water management, police, political leaders and all the rest doesn't come close to touching how perfectly and intricately our bodies are made to function. There is a God who planned for everything. From the chemicals released in our body to make us happy to the way we have 10 toes that help us to balance. We can see color and light. We touch trees and hear music. We sense joy as well as pain to protect us. Our arms are the perfect length to reach around each other for a hug. We have the most remarkable storage system for memories and learning that allow us to get 94%s on tests instead of forgetting everything after we've heard it! Our GI tract is both acidic and basic so that our bodies can process and enjoy juicy oranges, milk with cookies, steak, pasta, vegetables, and all other tasty delights. Men are that they might have joy. Our bodies were made to experience joy of every kind. Trust me, I've seen it.