Is this seriously my life? I live in The surfing capital of the U.S... no big deal. I was thinking I wouldn't be able to stay because I have been gunning so hard to get to P.A school, but then I thought to myself, "What's so bad about wintering over on the coast?" So here I am: trying to relax and take it more slowly. Who wants to be 25 with a career anyways? 26 is just as great, and my facebook will have so many more cool pictures.
Ready to cue the hallelujah chorus? I got two jobs as of yesterday! The first one is at Barnes and Noble (although let's be honest that one was always great at incurring more bills than it paid), and the other is a caregiving job. I take care of a cute little old lady named Florence. The awesome part about the caregiving job is that it can be used towards my hours for P.A school... uh bonus!!! I'm pretty excited about both and at this point I'm only worried about my social life since both jobs have me working on the weekends which is not choice. Oh well. They are great for now and if I can find something better soon then that will be groovy too.
This weekend I am playing stow away (like my new nautical lingo?) on a huge campout with a two different singles wards. The mission? Meet and make as many new friends as possible. I've gotten so complacent about meeting people since last year; I had so many awesome friends that were just around when I wanted to do something. I've totally forgotten how to make friends. Let's hope my skills come back before Friday night!!
Mike and Ashley are coming into town next week too so there will be lots to blog about. Maybe now I'll be better about updating.