Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Surf City U.S.A

Is this seriously my life? I live in The surfing capital of the U.S... no big deal. I was thinking I wouldn't be able to stay because I have been gunning so hard to get to P.A school, but then I thought to myself, "What's so bad about wintering over on the coast?" So here I am: trying to relax and take it more slowly. Who wants to be 25 with a career anyways? 26 is just as great, and my facebook will have so many more cool pictures.

Ready to cue the hallelujah chorus? I got two jobs as of yesterday! The first one is at Barnes and Noble (although let's be honest that one was always great at incurring more bills than it paid), and the other is a caregiving job. I take care of a cute little old lady named Florence. The awesome part about the caregiving job is that it can be used towards my hours for P.A school... uh bonus!!! I'm pretty excited about both and at this point I'm only worried about my social life since both jobs have me working on the weekends which is not choice. Oh well. They are great for now and if I can find something better soon then that will be groovy too.

This weekend I am playing stow away (like my new nautical lingo?) on a huge campout with a two different singles wards. The mission? Meet and make as many new friends as possible. I've gotten so complacent about meeting people since last year; I had so many awesome friends that were just around when I wanted to do something. I've totally forgotten how to make friends. Let's hope my skills come back before Friday night!!

Mike and Ashley are coming into town next week too so there will be lots to blog about. Maybe now I'll be better about updating.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

That They Might Have Joy

My Friends: I, Jenni Clark, dominated my dissection final this past Tuesday. I got a 94%. I feel pretty over the moon with how successful I was. This at class has been one of my very favorites that I've taken at BYU. I'm so grateful that there are people willing to entrust their bodies to students for learning. It really is remarkable to be able to get down to structures that no one else in this world has seen like I have, including the person who the cadaver belonged to. I love that I have removed an arm, drilled through skulls, opened rib cages, and dissected out quadriceps and a sciatic nerve. I love that I know how to do skinning and defatting. I can tell you all about the neuroendocrine system or the different types of cartilage. I can tell you about the pathway of sperm or the way blood is pumped through your body. I love anatomy and physiology. It's nice to feel more confident in the career path I've chosen for my life, and with a 94% and a resounding passion: I feel oh so confident!

Now to take a turn for the spiritual: I feel like I have always had a pretty great testimony about the connection between spirit and body, but it has grown so much! There is no way that there is no God. The most perfect city in the world with the best urban planning, sewage systems, recycling, water management, police, political leaders and all the rest doesn't come close to touching how perfectly and intricately our bodies are made to function. There is a God who planned for everything. From the chemicals released in our body to make us happy to the way we have 10 toes that help us to balance. We can see color and light. We touch trees and hear music. We sense joy as well as pain to protect us. Our arms are the perfect length to reach around each other for a hug. We have the most remarkable storage system for memories and learning that allow us to get 94%s on tests instead of forgetting everything after we've heard it! Our GI tract is both acidic and basic so that our bodies can process and enjoy juicy oranges, milk with cookies, steak, pasta, vegetables, and all other tasty delights. Men are that they might have joy. Our bodies were made to experience joy of every kind. Trust me, I've seen it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Woot Woo!

New blog fever! I'm pretty dang stoked to start writing about all the fun stuff in my life. The name was the best that I could come up with and is probably temporary, but in the mean time it will have to do :)